Tuesday, May 31, 2011

7 Benda Ajaib Dunia terkini 2011

Nampaknye 7 benda ajaib dunia nie berubah2 lak ikut tahun..tkper..kita tgk dlu ape yang ada untuk tahun 2011 yang datang dari versi CNN...

1. Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon adalah sebuah jurang tebing-terjal, diukir oleh Sungai Colorado, di utara Arizona. Jurang ini merupakan satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia dan sebagian besar berada di Taman Nasional Grand Canyon; salah satu taman nasional pertama di Amerika Serikat. Presiden Theodore Roosevelt merupakan salah satu pendukung utama wilayah Grand Canyon, mengunjunginya dalam beberapa kesempatan untuk berburu singa gunung dan menikmati pemandangan alam yang luar biasa.

Jurang ini, diciptakan oleh Sungai Colorado memotong sebuah selat selama jutaan tahun, panjangnya kira-kira 446 km, dengan lebar mulai dari 6 sampai 29 km dan dengan kedalaman lebih dari 1.600 m. Hampir dari 2000 juta tahun sejarah Bumi telah terpotong oleh Sungai Colorado dan anak sungainya lapis demi lapis sedimen ketika Dataran Tinggi Colorado mulai terangkat.

Grand Canyon pertama kali dilihat oleh orang Eropa pada 1540, García López de Cárdenas dari Spanyol. Ekspedisi saintifik pertama ke canyon ini dipimpin oleh Mayor AS John Wesley Powell pada akhir 1870-an. Powell menunjuk ke batuan sedimen yang terbuka di jurang sebagai “daun dalam buku cerita agung”. Namun, jauh sebelum masa itu, wilayah ini telah ditinggali oleh Penduduk Asli Amerika yang membangun tempat tinggal di tembok jurang ini.

2. Great Barrier Reef/Karang Penghalang Besar

Great Barrier Reef adalah kumpulan terumbu karang terbesar dunia yang terdiri dari kurang lebih 3.000 karang dan 900 pulau, yang membentang sepanjang 2.600 km. Karang ini berlokasi di Laut Koral, lepas pantai Queensland di timur laut Australia. Sebagian besar wilayah karang ini termasuk bagian yang dilindungi oleh Taman Laut Karang Penghalang Besar (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park).

Karang Penghalang Besar (KPB) dapat dilihat dari luar angkasa dan kadang disebut sebagai organisme tunggal terbesar di dunia. Pada kenyataannya, ia terbentuk dari berjuta organisme kecil, dikenal dengan sebutan polip koral (coral polyp). KPB dipilih sebagai sebagai salah satu Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 1981.

Kekayaan biodiversitasnya, perairannya yang hangat dan jernih, serta keterjangkauannya dari fasilitas terapung yang disebut live aboards, membuat karang ini menjadi tujuan pariwisata yang sangat populer, terutama bagi para penyelam scuba. Banyak kota di sepanjang pesisir pantai Queensland yang menawarkan wisata laut ke karang ini setiap harinya. Beberapa pulau kontinental juga telah berubah fungsi menjadi resor.

3. Mount Everest

Mount Everest adalah gunung tertinggi di dunia (jika diukur dari paras laut). Rabung puncaknya menandakan perbatasan antara Nepal dan Tibet puncaknya berada di Tibet. Gunung ini mempunyai ketinggian sekitar 8.850 m. Gunung ini mendapatkan nama bahasa Inggrisnya dari nama Sir George Everest. Nama ini diberikan oleh Sir Andrew Waugh, surveyor-general India berkebangsaan Inggris, penerus Everest. Puncak Everest merupakan salah satu dari Tujuh Puncak Utama di dunia.

4. Air Terjun Victoria

Air terjun Victoria merupakan salah satu air terjun paling spektakuler di dunia. Air terjun ini terletak di Sungai Zambezi, yang pada saat ini membentuk perbatasan antara Zambia dan Zimbabwe. Air terjun ini memiliki lebar kira-kira 1 mil (1,6 km), dengan ketinggian 128m (420 kaki).

David Livingstone, penjelajah Skotlandia, mengunjungi danau ini pada 1855 dan menamakannya atas nama Ratu Victoria, sedangkan nama lokalnya adalah Mosi-oa-Tunya, “asap menggelegar.” Air terjun ini merupakan bagian dari dua taman nasional, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park di Zambia dan Victoria Falls National Park di Zimbabwe, dan juga Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO. Air terjun ini merupakan obyek wisata utama di Afrika Selatan.

5. Northern Lights

Salah satu keajaiban dunia adalah Northern Lights atau dikenal juga dengan istilah Aurora Borealis. Kejaiban cahaya warna-warni ini terbentuk akibat interaksi lapangan magnetik di Bumi dengan partikel matahari.

6.Volkano Paricutín

Volkano Paricutín, adalah sebuah gunung berapi yang terdapat di negara bagian Michoacan, Meksiko. Sebelum tahun 1943 gunung berapi ini tidak ada, namun tiba-tiba terdapat aktivitas vulkanik yang mengakibatkan orang-orang di sekitar sana mengungsi, gunung muda itu terus bertambah tinggi, dalam sehari menjadi 50 meter dan saat ini aktivitasnya bisa dikatakan berhenti, dan ketinggian gunung mencapai 336 meter.

7. Pelabuhan Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro (bermakna “Sungai Januari” dalam bahasa Portugis) adalah ibu kota Negara Bagian Rio de Janeiro di Brasil bagian tenggara.Kota ini mempunyai luas sebesar 1.256 km² dan penduduk sekitar 6.150.000 juta jiwa (2004).Sekitar 10 juta orang tinggal di wilayah metropolitan Rio de Janeiro Raya, yang saat ini merupakan kota terbesar keempat di dunia.

Letak pelabuhan Rio De Janeiro sangat unik yaitu tepat berada di ujung muara sungai antara pertemuan laut dan sungai, selain kota pelabuhan kota tersebut juga mempunyai letak dan pemandangan geografis yang sangat indah, Brazil ditemukan dan dijajah oleh portugis pada tahun 1565 sehingga budaya , bahasa, kebiasaan, juga makanan mengacu kepada negara portugal yaitu karena adanya ikatan bathin antara dua negara tersebut.

Wang 50 Keluaran Khas (ada logo 50 Tahun merdeka)

Lihatlah perbezaan wang RM 50 atas dan bawah, sebelah atas ialah wang RM 50 keluaran khas sempena ulangtahun kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke-50 (ada logo 50 tahun merdeka dan tulisan tahun 1957-2007). Sesiapa berminat sila hubungi En. Zull (019-4081049), pelbagai lagi koleksi, sila lihat label.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Kadar baru Tarif Elektrik 1 Jun 2011

Kesan kenaikan tarif ini akan dirasakan pada pengguna yang menggunakan 301 KWH sebulan dan keatas sahaja.

Rumah-Rumah Kebajikan Yang ada di Malaysia (sebahagian)


1. PertUBUHAN KebAJIKAN Rumah Anak Yatim Mak Teh

No. 1, Jalan Dato Wan Ahmad, 01000 Kangar, Perlis

Tel: 04 - 9766766 / 9769185

Fax: 04- 9781909 / 9765733 / 9763266

Person in Charge: En Arshad b. Bahari

2. Pertubuhan KEBAJIKAN Anak Yatim Perlis

Kompleks Penyayang Dr Siti Hasmah, Jejawi Dalam

02600 Arau, Perlis

Tel : 04 - 9763455

Fax : 04 - 9763455

Person in Charge: En Ali Ismail


Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Perlis, 01000 Kangar, Perlis

Tel : -

Fax : -

Person in Charge: -



1. Pertubuhan BELA DIdik

Anak Yatim Islam (BEDAYA)

Daerah Kulim Dan Bandar Baru

No. 2 Jalan Bukit, 09000 Kulim, Kedah

Tel: 04 - 4902816

Fax:04 - 4957157

Person in Charge: En Zakaria

2. Pertubuhan Kebajikan


Rumah Kanak-Kanak Darul Aitam

No. 1475 Lorong Seri Jalan Langgar, 05300 Alor Setar


Tel: 04 - 7335124

Fax: 04 - 7332349

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Salim Bin Abdul Hamid

3. PertUBUHAN Amanah

Masyarakat dan


Anak-anak Yatim

Daerah Baling Kedah (Aman)

d/a Pejabat Daerah Baling, 09100 Baling, Kedah

Tel: 04 - 4701963

Fax: 04 - 4701172

Person in Charge: En Amri Bin Salleh

4. PertUBUHAN PEmbangunan

Anak-anak Yatim Bekas Perajurit Malaysia

Daerah Kulim

No 235, Jalan Lunas, Kilang Lama, 09000 Kulim, Kedah

Tel : 04 - 4914424

Fax : 04 - 4951557

Person in Charge: Kapt. (B) Mohd. Ibrahim Md Ghani PJM, PPS


Rumah Budi, Jalan Pegawai, 06900 Yan, Kedah

Tel : 04 - 4655208

Fax : 04 - 4655208

Person in Charge: Puan Arpah



[b] 1. PersATUAN Kebajikan

Anak-anak Yatim Islam[/b]

Pulau Pinang

Wisma Yatim (laki-laki)

173, Jalan Air Itam, 11400 Pulau Pinang

Tel: 04-8288897

Fax: 04-8273171

Email: wismapg@pd.jaring.my

Person in Charge: Tn Hj Shaik Mohamad PMA

2. Pers. Kebajikan Anak-anak Yatim Islam Pulau Pinang Wisma Yatim (Perempuan)
No. 79 Jalan Scotland, 11400 Pulau Pinang

Tel: 04 - 2297355

Fax: 04 - 2296400

Person in Charge: Tn Hj Shaik Mohamad PMA

3. PertUBUHAN Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak Pulau Pinang

No. 118A, Jalan Scotland, 10450 Pulau Pinang

Tel/Fax: 04 - 8294046

Person in Charge: Pn. Nawiza bt. Nasir Arif

4. Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti

13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang

Tel/Fax: 04 - 5751214

Person in Charge: Puan Faridah Bt Ahmad.


1. Badan Khidmat Islam Perak


133, Jln Sultan Abdul Jalil, Greentown, 36450 Ipoh


Tel : 05 - 2539111

Fax: 05 - 2421901

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Anuar bin Neor Hamzah


No. 11, Kg. Kati, Kati, 33020 Kuala Kangsar, Perak

Tel : 05 - 7520211

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -

3. PERTUBUHAN KEBAJIKAN yayasan ANAK YATIM piatu darul aitam (busarah)

Kg. Haji Salleh, 35350 Temoh, Perak

Tel : 05 - 4199089

Fax: 05 - 4199089

Person in Charge: -


158/3, Jalan Pari Garden, 30100 Ipoh, Perak

Tel : 05 - 5283859

Fax: 05 - 5283859

Person in Charge: -


No. 27, Taman Bunga Ros,

No. 5, Taman Sitiawan Maju, 32000 Sitiawan , Perak

Tel : -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -



1. ASRAMA DAMAI anak yatim kuang

KM 28.5, Lorong Teratai Kg. Damai Kuang, 48050 Kuang


Tel : 03-6038 2823

Fax: 03-6038 6207

Person in Charge: Hj Suhaimi b. Dzajuli / Tuan Haji Abdul

Khalik Haji Jaafar

2. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak- Anak Yatim Islam DAERAH

Sabak Bernam

Lot 5204, Jalan Parit 1 Timur, 45300 Sungai Besar


Tel : 03-3224 2849

Fax : 03-3224 2849

Person in Charge: Puan Rosnah Bt Mohamad Razali

3. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim MALAYSIA (PEYATIM)

37, Jalan Nirvana 39, Taman Nirvana, 68000 Ampang,


Tel : 03-9286 1992

Fax : 03-9286 4872

Person in Charge: -

4. PertUBUHAN Rumah Anak Yatim / Miskin Daerah Kuala Langat (Sg Buaya)

Kampung Sungai Buaya, 42700 Banting, Kuala Langat


Tel : 03-3120 3385 / 3187 4964

Fax: 03-3187 5086

Person in Charge: En Hj Kamain Bin Abdul Samad

No. 61, Jalan Baiduri, Taman Baiduri off Jalan Morib, 42700

Banting, Selangor

Tel : 03-3187 9795

Fax: 03-3187 5086

Person in Charge: -


Peyakin Klang

Pejabat PEYAKIN, KM 3, Jalan Meru, Kg Batu Belah, 41050

Klang, Selangor

Tel : 03-3341 2513

Fax: 03-3341 2513 / 5519 2225

Person in Charge: Pn Habsah / Cik Sukmah


Taman Subang Permai, 47500 Subang Jaya


Tel/Fax : 03-5631 2664

Person in Charge: Encik Dzulkarnain Mansor



KM 11 Jalan Ulu Kelang, 68000 Ampang, Selangor

Tel : 03-4256 8880

Fax: 03-4251 4811

Person in Charge: En. Abdul Aziz Johan

8. Rumah Tumpangan & Sekolah Anak-anak Yatim& Miskin Sungai Pinang

Batu 1 3/4 Sungai Pinang, Jalan Kapar, 41400 Klang


Tel/Fax : 03- 3341 0362

Person in Charge: Ustaz Ayob/ Kak Su / Laila

9. Rumah Tunas Harapan Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Kuala Selangor

Jalan Semarak, 45000 Kuala Selangor, Selangor

Tel : 03-3289 1495

Fax: 03-3289 6903

Person in Charge: En Abdullah/ Mohd. Erwadi


Batu 36, Sekendi, 45200 Sabak Bernam, Selangor

Tel : -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -


Lot 2191-2A, Pekan Makmur, Bandar Baru Bangi, 43650 Bangi,


Tel : 03-8925 7263

Fax: -

Person in Charge: En Musa Haji Idris


1. Kompleks Anak Yatim

Darul Kifayah

Kampung Baru, Batu 5, Jalan Ipoh, 52000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03 - 6257 6864 / 6257 0960

Fax: 03 - 6258 1254

Person in Charge: En. Abdul Hakham b. Awang

2. Rumah Kanak-Kanak

Tengku Budriah

Batu 4 Jalan Cheras, Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-9131 8439

Fax: 03-9130 2739

Person in Charge: Puan Ziton Hj Uda


No. 2, Jalan 5/71B, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Jalan Damansara,

60000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-7725 8592

Fax: 03-7725 6652

Person in Charge: -


Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2831009

Fax: -

Person in Charge: Haji Shahidan Abdul

1. Rumah Tunas Harapan Payong

Seri Sejahtera Kuala Pilah

Sri Menanti, 71550 Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 06 - 4811163

Fax: 06 - 4817961

Person in Charge: En Zaimi

2. Yayasan Anak Yatim /b]

Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia Cawangan NegERI Sembilan

180/50, Gedong Lalang Ampangan, 70400 Seremban

Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 06 - 7622849

Fax: 06 - 7630521

Person in Charge: Pn. Liza

Tingkat 11, Wisma DPMM, Jalan Dato\' Bandar Tunggal, 70000

Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Tel : 06 - 7622849 / 7620251

Fax: 06 - 7630521

Person in Charge: -



Pos Kota, 71350 Kota, Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 06 - 4381411

Fax: 06 - 4383025

Person in Charge: -


Lot PT. 146, Bangunan Yayasan, Jalan Lama, 71000 Port

Dickson, Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 06 - 6475399

Fax: 06 - 6479530

Person in Charge: -



1. Lembaga Pengurusan

& Kebajikan Anak Yatim Miskin


KM 18, Paya Rumput Jaya, 76300 Sungai Udang,


Tel : 06 - 3512364

Fax: 06 - 3510634

Person in Charge: En Hj Ahmad bin Chik

2. Rumah Budak Laki-laki Tun Abdul Aziz

46, Jalan Durian Daun, 75400 Durian Daun, Melaka

Tel : 06 - 2834149

Fax: 06 - 2847452

Person in Charge: Puan Fatimah

3. Rumah Tunas Harapan Semarak Kasih

Kompleks Penghulu Air Panas, 77200 Bemban, Melaka

Tel : 06 - 5291285

Fax: 06 - 5293311

Person in Charge: En Rusmi

4. lembaga kebajikan pengurusan anAk yatim

884, Jalan Paya Rumput, Bt. 11 ½ T Batu, Melaka


Tel : 06 - 3512364

Fax : -

Person in Charge: -


1. Persatuan KebAJIKAN Darul Hanan Johor Bahru

Jalan Masjid, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor

Tel : 07 - 2521689

Fax: 07 - 2511504

Person in Charge: Cik Intan Safinaz bin Susin
Tingkat 11, Jabatan Pentadbiran & Tenaga Insan, Menara

Perbandaran Johor, Kotaraya, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor

Tel : 07 - 2521689

Fax: 07 - 2543628

Person in Charge: -


18, Jalan Petri, Peti Surat 109, 84007 Muar, Johor

Tel : 06 - 9510022

Fax: 06 - 9524109

Person in Charge: -

3. Pertubuhan KebAJIKAN

Anak YATIM Islam Batu

Pahat (PKAYI)

180 Jalan Kluang, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor

Tel : 07 - 4324206

Fax: 07 - 4351206

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Ali Bt Hji Siran

4. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Islam

Kluang (PKAYIK)

30, Jalan Besar, 86000 Kluang, Johor

Tel : 07 - 7725841

Fax: 07 - 7717792

Person in Charge: Hj Jurimi Kabit

5. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Islam

Kota Tinggi

Lot 2472, Jln Taib,

Kota Kecil

81900 Kota Tinggi


Tel : 07 - 8834753

Fax: 07 - 8831432

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Mohamad bin Mahmood

6. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Islam


KM 3 Bukit Pedoman, Jalan Endau, 86800 Mersing


Tel/Fax: 07 - 7994627

Person in Charge: Tuan Haji Razak bin Hussen

7. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Islam


9E, Jalan UMNO, 82000 Pontian, Johor

Tel : 07 - 6877864

Fax: 07 - 6877266 / 6871614

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Mohd Barkawi bin Haji Hasbollah

8. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Islam


KM 5, Jalan Muar, 85000 Segamat, Johor

Tel : 07 - 9312581

Fax: 07 - 9311976

Person in Charge: Tuan Haji Tahir

9. PertUBUHAN Kebajikan

Anak Yatim Johor


118, Jalan Bukit Cagar, 80300 Kluang, Johor

Tel : 07 - 2234664

Fax: 07 - 2220377

Person in Charge: Puan Hendon


1. Yayasan KebAJIKAN Keramat Makmur Mentakab (YKKM)

No. 4 Jalan Industri 2/2, Taman Perindustrian Temerloh

28400 Mentakab, Pahang

Tel/Fax: 09 - 2784875

Fax: 09 - 2784804

Person in Charge: En Noorinda


Jabatan Kemajuan Masyarakat Negeri, 25856 Kuantan, Pahang

Tel/Fax: -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -

3. pertubuhan kebajikan untuk anak yatim islam

Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Bentong, Wisma Seri Bentong, 28700

Bentong, Pahang

Tel/Fax: -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -



1. Asrama Anak Yatim


Kg Padang Pak Su Man, Jalan Mak Kemas, Bukit Payung

21400 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu

Tel : 09 - 6192667

Fax : 09 - 6192667

Person in Charge: En Kamarudin


Saujana, 22110 Setiu, Terengganu

Tel : 09-6922748, 09-6920503

Fax: 09-6021028

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Ahmad Ismail b. Mohd. Zain

3. Rumah Tunas

Harapan Darul Hilmi

Seberang Takir, Kuala Terengganu, Kg Teluk Ketapang

21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu

Tel : 09-6669744

Fax: -

Person in Charge: Cik Sit Bin Ching


423-B, Jalan Pusara, 20400 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu

Tel : 09-6224924

Fax: 09-6224924

Person in Charge: Tuan Hj Ahmad Ismail b. Mohd. Zain


Asrama PERKAYA, Pulau Kerengga, 21500 Marang, Terengganu

Tel : -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -



Yatim Kelantan


Lot 523, Jln Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kubang Kerian

16150 Kota Bahru, Kelantan

Tel : 09 - 7654286

Fax: 09 - 7653543

Person in Charge: Tuan Haji Nik Abdul Rahman

2. Rumah Tunas

Harapan Pakatan Kasih

16150 Kota Bahru


Tel : 09 - 7482124

Fax: 09 - 7482124

Person in Charge: Roshayati Bt. Omar



167C, Dalam Rhu, 16200 Tumpat, Kelantan

Tel : 09 - 7253298

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -



No. 1, Taman Sabariah, Jalan Pengkalan Chepa, 15400 Kota

Bharu, Kelantan

Tel : 09 - 7735494

Fax: 09 - 7745498

Person in Charge: -


d/a Ketua Jajahan Machang, Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan, 10500

Machang, Kelantan.

Tel : -

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -


Jalan Yaacobiah Lundang, Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat

Melayu Kelantan, 15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Tel : 09 - 7446505

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -.


1. Rumah Anak Yatim Tambunan Sabah

Peti Surat No. 36, 89657 Tambunan, Sabah

Tel : 087 - 774120

Fax: 087 - 774170

Person in Charge: Tuan Haji Awang Laiman Hj. Ikin

2. Rumah Anak Yatim al aman beaufort

Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah, Peti Surat 225,

89808 Beaufort, Sabah

Tel : 087 - 774120

Fax: -

Person in Charge: -

1. Pertubuhan Kebajikan

Anak-Anak Yatim

Negeri Sarawak


Kompleks Kebajikan Laila Taib, Lot 459, Block 14, Jalan Siol

Kanan, Petrajaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak

Tel : 082-446955

Fax: 082-446939

Person in Charge: Ustaz Hj Mohd Salleh bin Hamdin


142, Jalan Bunga Tanjung, Kampung Gita, Peti Surat 3005,


Tel : 082 - 247711

Fax: -[u].

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Cinta dan kasih sayang, sebuah perjuagan...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anak Raja Nazrin Shah

Raja Azlan Muzaffar Shah didukung oleh ayahandanya

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kehidupan suatu perjuangan...

Begitu susah untuk melalui hidup ini, tak semua manusia bernasib baik. Ada yang kaya dan ada yang sebaliknya, ranjaunya hidup ini dilalui setiap manusia terpaksa ataupun rela. hari ini ada orang datang menjual Quran yang istimewa dan Muqaddam yang terkini. begitu susahnya mereka menjual untuk setiap orang yang mereka jumpa.Tak semua orang membelinya. Demi rezeki yang halal dan sebuah kehidupan, mereka yang rata-ratanya masih muda usianya tetap tabah juga melaluinya. Itu sebahagian yang dilihat didepan mata.

Ada yang kaya dengan wang bersikap angkuh, ada lagi ke manusia didunia ini yang kaya tapi jiwanya begitu rendah diri, menghargai sesuatu yang ada, tanpa menyinggung hati sesiapa. Miskin dan kaya itu tak penting tapi macammana kita melalui hidup ini. Kita telah direncanakan. Terimalah takdir ini, hadapi hidup ini dengan sebaiknya, jika kita miskin hari ini bukan beerti esok pun sama, sebab kaya dan miskin itu hak Allah, kita tak punya apa-apa. kita cuma diamanahkan untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab dan dipinjamkan. 

Inginku melihat, dunia ini tanpa air mata, walaupun ianya mustahil, tapi sekurang-kurangnya biarlah air mata didunia ini berkurangan. Siapalah kita untuk bercakap dengan lancang. Kita tak berhak. Kita kena sedar, semua manusia itu sama diSisi Allah. Yang terbaik ibadahnya itulah yang terbaik... 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Manusia terkaya dunia 2011

Manusia di Malaysia 2011

1. Robert Kuok – RM50.04 bilion

2. T. Ananda Krishnan – RM45.78 bilion.

3. Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow – RM12.77 bilion

4. Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng – RM12.74 bilion

5. Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay – RM10.89 bilion.

6. Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan – RM10.75 bilion

7. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary – RM8.84 bilion.

8. Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua – RM7.43 bilion

9. Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King – RM4.77 bilion.

10. Ong Bee Seng – RM3.98 bilion

11. Tan Sri Azman Hashim – RM3.93 bilion.

12. Tan Sri Vincent Tan – RM2.43 bilion.

13. Datuk Lee Yeow Chor -

14. Lee Yeow Seng

15. Datuk Seri Lee Oi Hian

16. Datuk Lee Hau Hian

17. Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay

18. Tan Sri Lau Cho Kun

19. Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir – RM1.6 bilion

20. Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah

Alif kena gigit, kesian dia...


Di Penang

Thursday, May 19, 2011


 Semoga kalian berjaya dalam kehidupan didunia dan akhirat, semoga kalian menjadi insan-insan yang berguna. Amin

Logo Sekolah

Inilah logo sebenar SMK. Convent Taiping. Sekolah keduaku selepas SMS. Sabah.

Pemenang Hadiah Nobel 1901 - 2010

All Nobel Laureates


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Andre Geim, Konstantin Novoselov

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi, Akira Suzuki

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Robert G. Edwards

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Mario Vargas Llosa

The Nobel Peace Prize

Liu Xiaobo

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen, Christopher A. Pissarides


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Charles Kuen Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz, Ada E. Yonath

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, Jack W. Szostak

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Herta Müller

The Nobel Peace Prize

Barack H. Obama

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Elinor Ostrom, Oliver E. Williamson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Maskawa

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Harald zur Hausen, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Luc Montagnier

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

The Nobel Peace Prize

Martti Ahtisaari

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Paul Krugman


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Albert Fert, Peter Grünberg

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Gerhard Ertl

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans, Oliver Smithies

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Doris Lessing

The Nobel Peace Prize

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) , Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin, Roger B. Myerson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

John C. Mather, George F. Smoot

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Roger D. Kornberg

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Andrew Z. Fire, Craig C. Mello

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Orhan Pamuk

The Nobel Peace Prize

Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Edmund S. Phelps


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Roy J. Glauber, John L. Hall, Theodor W. Hänsch

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs, Richard R. Schrock

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Barry J. Marshall, J. Robin Warren

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Harold Pinter

The Nobel Peace Prize

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , Mohamed ElBaradei

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert J. Aumann, Thomas C. Schelling


The Nobel Prize in Physics

David J. Gross, H. David Politzer, Frank Wilczek

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko, Irwin Rose

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Richard Axel, Linda B. Buck

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Elfriede Jelinek

The Nobel Peace Prize

Wangari Muta Maathai

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Finn E. Kydland, Edward C. Prescott


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Alexei A. Abrikosov, Vitaly L. Ginzburg, Anthony J. Leggett

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Peter Agre, Roderick MacKinnon

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Paul C. Lauterbur, Sir Peter Mansfield

The Nobel Prize in Literature

John M. Coetzee

The Nobel Peace Prize

Shirin Ebadi

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert F. Engle III, Clive W.J. Granger


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz, John E. Sulston

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Imre Kertész

The Nobel Peace Prize

Jimmy Carter

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Daniel Kahneman, Vernon L. Smith


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Leland H. Hartwell, Tim Hunt, Sir Paul M. Nurse

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul

The Nobel Peace Prize

United Nations (U.N.) , Kofi Annan

The Prize in Economic Sciences

George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence, Joseph E. Stiglitz


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric R. Kandel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Gao Xingjian

The Nobel Peace Prize

Kim Dae-jung

The Prize in Economic Sciences

James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Ahmed H. Zewail

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Günter Blobel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Günter Grass

The Nobel Peace Prize

Médecins Sans Frontières

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert A. Mundell


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Walter Kohn, John A. Pople

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad

The Nobel Prize in Literature

José Saramago

The Nobel Peace Prize

John Hume, David Trimble

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Amartya Sen


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Stanley B. Prusiner

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Dario Fo

The Nobel Peace Prize

International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) , Jody Williams

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert C. Merton, Myron S. Scholes


The Nobel Prize in Physics

David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Peter C. Doherty, Rolf M. Zinkernagel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Wislawa Szymborska

The Nobel Peace Prize

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, José Ramos-Horta

The Prize in Economic Sciences

James A. Mirrlees, William Vickrey


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Edward B. Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Eric F. Wieschaus

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Seamus Heaney

The Nobel Peace Prize

Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert E. Lucas Jr.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

George A. Olah

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Alfred G. Gilman, Martin Rodbell

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Kenzaburo Oe

The Nobel Peace Prize

Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin

The Prize in Economic Sciences

John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Russell A. Hulse, Joseph H. Taylor Jr.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Richard J. Roberts, Phillip A. Sharp

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Toni Morrison

The Nobel Peace Prize

Nelson Mandela, Frederik Willem de Klerk

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Georges Charpak

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Rudolph A. Marcus

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Edmond H. Fischer, Edwin G. Krebs

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Derek Walcott

The Nobel Peace Prize

Rigoberta Menchú Tum

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Gary S. Becker


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Richard R. Ernst

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Erwin Neher, Bert Sakmann

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Nadine Gordimer

The Nobel Peace Prize

Aung San Suu Kyi

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Ronald H. Coase


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Elias James Corey

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Joseph E. Murray, E. Donnall Thomas

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Octavio Paz

The Nobel Peace Prize

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

J. Michael Bishop, Harold E. Varmus

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Camilo José Cela

The Nobel Peace Prize

The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Trygve Haavelmo


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Hitchings

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Naguib Mahfouz

The Nobel Peace Prize

United Nations Peacekeeping Forces

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Maurice Allais


The Nobel Prize in Physics

J. Georg Bednorz, K. Alexander Müller

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Susumu Tonegawa

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Joseph Brodsky

The Nobel Peace Prize

Oscar Arias Sánchez

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Robert M. Solow


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Stanley Cohen, Rita Levi-Montalcini

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Wole Soyinka

The Nobel Peace Prize

Elie Wiesel

The Prize in Economic Sciences

James M. Buchanan Jr.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Klaus von Klitzing

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Michael S. Brown, Joseph L. Goldstein

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Claude Simon

The Nobel Peace Prize

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Franco Modigliani


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Robert Bruce Merrifield

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Köhler, César Milstein

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Jaroslav Seifert

The Nobel Peace Prize

Desmond Mpilo Tutu

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Richard Stone


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, William Alfred Fowler

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Henry Taube

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Barbara McClintock

The Nobel Prize in Literature

William Golding

The Nobel Peace Prize

Lech Walesa

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Gerard Debreu


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Kenneth G. Wilson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Aaron Klug

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sune K. Bergström, Bengt I. Samuelsson, John R. Vane

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Gabriel García Márquez

The Nobel Peace Prize

Alva Myrdal, Alfonso García Robles

The Prize in Economic Sciences

George J. Stigler


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur Leonard Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Kenichi Fukui, Roald Hoffmann

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Elias Canetti

The Nobel Peace Prize

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The Prize in Economic Sciences

James Tobin


The Nobel Prize in Physics

James Watson Cronin, Val Logsdon Fitch

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Frederick Sanger

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset, George D. Snell

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Czeslaw Milosz

The Nobel Peace Prize

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Lawrence R. Klein


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Allan M. Cormack, Godfrey N. Hounsfield

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Odysseus Elytis

The Nobel Peace Prize

Mother Teresa

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Theodore W. Schultz, Sir Arthur Lewis


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Peter D. Mitchell

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Isaac Bashevis Singer

The Nobel Peace Prize

Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Herbert A. Simon


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Philip Warren Anderson, Sir Nevill Francis Mott, John Hasbrouck van Vleck

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Ilya Prigogine

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Roger Guillemin, Andrew V. Schally, Rosalyn Yalow

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Vicente Aleixandre

The Nobel Peace Prize

Amnesty International

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Bertil Ohlin, James E. Meade


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Burton Richter, Samuel Chao Chung Ting

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

William N. Lipscomb

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Baruch S. Blumberg, D. Carleton Gajdusek

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Saul Bellow

The Nobel Peace Prize

Betty Williams, Mairead Corrigan

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Milton Friedman


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Aage Niels Bohr, Ben Roy Mottelson, Leo James Rainwater

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

John Warcup Cornforth, Vladimir Prelog

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco, Howard Martin Temin

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Eugenio Montale

The Nobel Peace Prize

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich, Tjalling C. Koopmans


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sir Martin Ryle, Antony Hewish

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Paul J. Flory

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Albert Claude, Christian de Duve, George E. Palade

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Eyvind Johnson, Harry Martinson

The Nobel Peace Prize

Seán MacBride, Eisaku Sato

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich August von Hayek


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Leo Esaki, Ivar Giaever, Brian David Josephson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Ernst Otto Fischer, Geoffrey Wilkinson

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, Nikolaas Tinbergen

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Patrick White

The Nobel Peace Prize

Henry A. Kissinger, Le Duc Tho

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Wassily Leontief


The Nobel Prize in Physics

John Bardeen, Leon Neil Cooper, John Robert Schrieffer

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Christian B. Anfinsen, Stanford Moore, William H. Stein

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Gerald M. Edelman, Rodney R. Porter

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Heinrich Böll

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money for 1972 was allocated to the Main Fund.

The Prize in Economic Sciences

John R. Hicks, Kenneth J. Arrow


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Dennis Gabor

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Gerhard Herzberg

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Earl W. Sutherland, Jr.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Pablo Neruda

The Nobel Peace Prize

Willy Brandt

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Simon Kuznets


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén, Louis Eugène Félix Néel

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Luis F. Leloir

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler, Julius Axelrod

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

The Nobel Peace Prize

Norman E. Borlaug

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Paul A. Samuelson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Murray Gell-Mann

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Derek H. R. Barton, Odd Hassel

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey, Salvador E. Luria

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Samuel Beckett

The Nobel Peace Prize

International Labour Organization (I.L.O.)

The Prize in Economic Sciences

Ragnar Frisch, Jan Tinbergen


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Luis Walter Alvarez

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Lars Onsager

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Yasunari Kawabata

The Nobel Peace Prize

René Cassin


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Hans Albrecht Bethe

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, George Porter

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, George Wald

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Miguel Angel Asturias

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Alfred Kastler

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Robert S. Mulliken

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Peyton Rous, Charles Brenton Huggins

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Nelly Sachs

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, Richard P. Feynman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Robert Burns Woodward

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

François Jacob, André Lwoff, Jacques Monod

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov

The Nobel Peace Prize

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Charles Hard Townes, Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Konrad Bloch, Feodor Lynen

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Jean-Paul Sartre

The Nobel Peace Prize

Martin Luther King Jr.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Eugene Paul Wigner, Maria Goeppert Mayer, J. Hans D. Jensen

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Karl Ziegler, Giulio Natta

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir John Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Huxley

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Giorgos Seferis

The Nobel Peace Prize

Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross) , Ligue des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge (League of Red Cross Societies)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Lev Davidovich Landau

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Max Ferdinand Perutz, John Cowdery Kendrew

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Francis Harry Compton Crick, James Dewey Watson, Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins

The Nobel Prize in Literature

John Steinbeck

The Nobel Peace Prize

Linus Carl Pauling


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Robert Hofstadter, Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Melvin Calvin

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Georg von Békésy

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Ivo Andric

The Nobel Peace Prize

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Donald Arthur Glaser

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Willard Frank Libby

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, Peter Brian Medawar

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Saint-John Perse

The Nobel Peace Prize

Albert John Lutuli


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Emilio Gino Segrè, Owen Chamberlain

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Jaroslav Heyrovsky

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Severo Ochoa, Arthur Kornberg

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Salvatore Quasimodo

The Nobel Peace Prize

Philip J. Noel-Baker


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Il´ja Mikhailovich Frank, Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Frederick Sanger

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

George Wells Beadle, Edward Lawrie Tatum, Joshua Lederberg

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

The Nobel Peace Prize

Georges Pire


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Chen Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao (T.D.) Lee

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Lord (Alexander R.) Todd

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Daniel Bovet

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Albert Camus

The Nobel Peace Prize

Lester Bowles Pearson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

William Bradford Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

André Frédéric Cournand, Werner Forssmann, Dickinson W. Richards

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Juan Ramón Jiménez

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Willis Eugene Lamb, Polykarp Kusch

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Vincent du Vigneaud

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Halldór Kiljan Laxness

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Max Born, Walther Bothe

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Linus Carl Pauling

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

John Franklin Enders, Thomas Huckle Weller, Frederick Chapman Robbins

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Ernest Miller Hemingway

The Nobel Peace Prize

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Frits (Frederik) Zernike

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Hermann Staudinger

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Hans Adolf Krebs, Fritz Albert Lipmann

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

The Nobel Peace Prize

George Catlett Marshall


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Felix Bloch, Edward Mills Purcell

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Archer John Porter Martin, Richard Laurence Millington Synge

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Selman Abraham Waksman

The Nobel Prize in Literature

François Mauriac

The Nobel Peace Prize

Albert Schweitzer


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Edwin Mattison McMillan, Glenn Theodore Seaborg

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Max Theiler

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Pär Fabian Lagerkvist

The Nobel Peace Prize

Léon Jouhaux


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Cecil Frank Powell

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Otto Paul Hermann Diels, Kurt Alder

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Edward Calvin Kendall, Tadeus Reichstein, Philip Showalter Hench

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Earl (Bertrand Arthur William) Russell

The Nobel Peace Prize

Ralph Bunche


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Hideki Yukawa

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

William Francis Giauque

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Walter Rudolf Hess, Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz

The Nobel Prize in Literature

William Faulkner

The Nobel Peace Prize

Lord (John) Boyd Orr of Brechin


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Paul Hermann Müller

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Thomas Stearns Eliot

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sir Edward Victor Appleton

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Sir Robert Robinson

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Carl Ferdinand Cori, Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz, Bernardo Alberto Houssay

The Nobel Prize in Literature

André Paul Guillaume Gide

The Nobel Peace Prize

Friends Service Council (The Quakers) , American Friends Service Committee (The Quakers)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Percy Williams Bridgman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

James Batcheller Sumner, John Howard Northrop, Wendell Meredith Stanley

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Hermann Joseph Muller

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Hermann Hesse

The Nobel Peace Prize

Emily Greene Balch, John Raleigh Mott


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Wolfgang Pauli

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Artturi Ilmari Virtanen

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Howard Walter Florey

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Gabriela Mistral

The Nobel Peace Prize

Cordell Hull


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Isidor Isaac Rabi

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Otto Hahn

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Joseph Erlanger, Herbert Spencer Gasser

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Johannes Vilhelm Jensen

The Nobel Peace Prize

Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Otto Stern

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

George de Hevesy

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Henrik Carl Peter Dam, Edward Adelbert Doisy

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Ernest Orlando Lawrence

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt, Leopold Ruzicka

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Gerhard Domagk

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Frans Eemil Sillanpää

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Enrico Fermi

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Richard Kuhn

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Corneille Jean François Heymans

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Pearl Buck

The Nobel Peace Prize

Office international Nansen pour les Réfugiés (Nansen International Office for Refugees)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Clinton Joseph Davisson, George Paget Thomson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Walter Norman Haworth, Paul Karrer

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrápolt

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Roger Martin du Gard

The Nobel Peace Prize

Cecil of Chelwood, Viscount (Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Cecil)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Victor Franz Hess, Carl David Anderson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir Henry Hallett Dale, Otto Loewi

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Eugene Gladstone O'Neill

The Nobel Peace Prize

Carlos Saavedra Lamas


The Nobel Prize in Physics

James Chadwick

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Frédéric Joliot, Irène Joliot-Curie

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Hans Spemann

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

Carl von Ossietzky


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Harold Clayton Urey

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

George Hoyt Whipple, George Richards Minot, William Parry Murphy

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Luigi Pirandello

The Nobel Peace Prize

Arthur Henderson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Thomas Hunt Morgan

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin

The Nobel Peace Prize

Sir Norman Angell (Ralph Lane)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Werner Karl Heisenberg

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Irving Langmuir

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, Edgar Douglas Adrian

The Nobel Prize in Literature

John Galsworthy

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Carl Bosch, Friedrich Bergius

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Otto Heinrich Warburg

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Erik Axel Karlfeldt

The Nobel Peace Prize

Jane Addams, Nicholas Murray Butler


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Hans Fischer

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Karl Landsteiner

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sinclair Lewis

The Nobel Peace Prize

Lars Olof Jonathan (Nathan) Söderblom


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Arthur Harden, Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Christiaan Eijkman, Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Thomas Mann

The Nobel Peace Prize

Frank Billings Kellogg


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Owen Willans Richardson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Charles Jules Henri Nicolle

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sigrid Undset

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Arthur Holly Compton, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Heinrich Otto Wieland

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Julius Wagner-Jauregg

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Henri Bergson

The Nobel Peace Prize

Ferdinand Buisson, Ludwig Quidde


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Jean Baptiste Perrin

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The (Theodor) Svedberg

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Grazia Deledda

The Nobel Peace Prize

Aristide Briand, Gustav Stresemann


The Nobel Prize in Physics

James Franck, Gustav Ludwig Hertz

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Richard Adolf Zsigmondy

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

George Bernard Shaw

The Nobel Peace Prize

Sir Austen Chamberlain, Charles Gates Dawes


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Willem Einthoven

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Robert Andrews Millikan

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Fritz Pregl

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Frederick Grant Banting, John James Rickard Macleod

The Nobel Prize in Literature

William Butler Yeats

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Niels Henrik David Bohr

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Francis William Aston

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Archibald Vivian Hill, Otto Fritz Meyerhof

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Jacinto Benavente

The Nobel Peace Prize

Fridtjof Nansen


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Albert Einstein

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Frederick Soddy

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Anatole France

The Nobel Peace Prize

Karl Hjalmar Branting, Christian Lous Lange


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Charles Edouard Guillaume

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Walther Hermann Nernst

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Schack August Steenberg Krogh

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Knut Pedersen Hamsun

The Nobel Peace Prize

Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Johannes Stark

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Jules Bordet

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler

The Nobel Peace Prize

Thomas Woodrow Wilson


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Fritz Haber

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Charles Glover Barkla

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan

The Nobel Peace Prize

Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Sir William Henry Bragg, William Lawrence Bragg

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Richard Martin Willstätter

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Romain Rolland

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Max von Laue

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Theodore William Richards

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Robert Bárány

The Nobel Prize in Literature

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Peace Prize

No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Alfred Werner

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Charles Robert Richet

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Rabindranath Tagore

The Nobel Peace Prize

Henri La Fontaine


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Nils Gustaf Dalén

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Victor Grignard, Paul Sabatier

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Alexis Carrel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann

The Nobel Peace Prize

Elihu Root


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Wilhelm Wien

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Marie Curie, née Sklodowska

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Allvar Gullstrand

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Count Maurice (Mooris) Polidore Marie Bernhard Maeterlinck

The Nobel Peace Prize

Tobias Michael Carel Asser, Alfred Hermann Fried


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Johannes Diderik van der Waals

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Otto Wallach

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Albrecht Kossel

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse

The Nobel Peace Prize

Bureau international permanent de la Paix (Permanent International Peace Bureau)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Guglielmo Marconi, Karl Ferdinand Braun

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Wilhelm Ostwald

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Emil Theodor Kocher

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf

The Nobel Peace Prize

Auguste Marie François Beernaert, Paul Henri Benjamin Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant, Baron de Constant de Rebecque


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Gabriel Lippmann

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Ernest Rutherford

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Rudolf Christoph Eucken

The Nobel Peace Prize

Klas Pontus Arnoldson, Fredrik Bajer


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Albert Abraham Michelson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Eduard Buchner

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Rudyard Kipling

The Nobel Peace Prize

Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Louis Renault


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Joseph John Thomson

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Henri Moissan

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Giosuè Carducci

The Nobel Peace Prize

Theodore Roosevelt


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Robert Koch

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Henryk Sienkiewicz

The Nobel Peace Prize

Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita von Suttner, née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Sir William Ramsay

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray y Eizaguirre

The Nobel Peace Prize

Institut de droit international (Institute of International Law)


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Antoine Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Marie Curie, née Sklodowska

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Svante August Arrhenius

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Niels Ryberg Finsen

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson

The Nobel Peace Prize

William Randal Cremer


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Pieter Zeeman

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Hermann Emil Fischer

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Ronald Ross

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen

The Nobel Peace Prize

Élie Ducommun, Charles Albert Gobat


The Nobel Prize in Physics

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Emil Adolf von Behring

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sully Prudhomme

The Nobel Peace Prize

Jean Henry Dunant, Frédéric Passy